Houseplants add the necessary greenery we all need for our homes. Living indoors can seem dry and empty, especially if you’re not into furniture. A houseplant can make a living indoors feel refreshing.


Aside from better colors, an indoor plant can also benefit from purifying the air, removing toxins, and creating a relaxed ambiance. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at 5 of the best indoor plants to consider for 2022.


  1. Succulents


Succulents and their ability to thrive in warm and dry climates are less likely to die on you. Even if you miss a watering or two, a succulent will be able to get through that. Not to mention that succulents tend to have unique shapes, patterns, and sizes; they’re definitely one of the best indoor plants to have.


To take care of a succulent, proper positioning is the most important decision to make. Making sure your succulents get enough light and making sure that you always see them ensure that you don’t forget about them is very important. If you’re keeping a lot of succulents, it’s best to rotate them to ensure enough sunlight exposure.


For watering, it’s best to replicate their natural environment. When you’re watering them, directly water the soil and make sure to pick a pot that drains well, just like how it would in the desert. Using cactus soil will also help ensure optimum health.


  1. Snake Plant


The snake plant, also known as Dracaena trifasciata is actually a flowering plant native to tropical West Africa and Congo. This plant takes the first price as the most tolerant plant, and it won’t punish you for forgetting to take care of them. However, it’s basically available everywhere because of its rise in popularity.


Snake plants can be grown from cuttings as they’re the easiest way to propagate them. Just divide them from leaf down to the roots and pot them up. Indirect sunlight and seldom watering will be enough to take care of them. One can also apply fertilizer if there is yellowing and wilting of the leaves or browning of the leaf tips.


  1. Monstera


A monstera is one of the most commonly cultivated plants for indoor planting, and for a good reason. They’re aesthetically pleasing with the natural leaf-holes that gave them their nickname as the Swiss Cheese Plant, and they’re a plant that will thrive in almost any environment as long as there is a substantial amount of sunlight.


However, a Monstera isn’t as easy to take care of compared to the two plants listed above. They WILL die if you don’t provide the necessary requirements like bright to medium indirect light  and watering every 1-2 weeks. Nevertheless, it’s still a relatively hardy plant that’s unique and beautiful.


  1. Herbs


Herbs are one of the best houseplants one can get. You will have an unlimited source of flavors and aromatics for cooking, but they also smell good. Forget buying herbs from the local market only to waste half of them because they’re already dried out and not as fresh by the time you plan on using them.


Herbs like marjoram, oregano, lemongrass, mint, parsley, rosemary, and thyme are great plants to start out on. Just make sure they’re exposed to the proper amount of sunlight and make sure they’re in rooms that are at least 18-23 degrees Celsius to maximize growth and health.


  1. ZZ Plant


Also known as the Zanzibar Gem, the ZZ Plant is a perennial tropical native in South Africa. They have been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce sick time by removing airborne bacteria.


ZZ Plants are natural air purifiers. They’re great plants at removing toxins such as xylene, toluene, and benzene. Xylene is usually found in homes because it’s found in a lot of common household products like paint, lacquers, adhesives, and gasoline. Toluene and benzene are usually found in paint strippers, adhesives, cleaning products, and tobacco smoke.


Indoor plants are a must-have. From the greenery they add to the house to the benefits like air purification and simply just helping you become more responsible.




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Author: Carol