Are you looking for a how to guide on Pinterest to grow your awareness on social media? 7 Pinterest Marketing Strategies for 2021 is for you!
B2C or Business-to-Customer marketing has slowly risen into popularity as businesses have tried to connect with their audience. On the front of the growing B2C marketing competition is Pinterest. With over 291 million active users per month, the platform is the perfect place to advertise your products or services. You can also connect with a wide range of people with different demographics and preferences!
Pinterest has evolved from an image sharing platform where people find solutions to questions to the perfect platform to market your brand and offer your products and services to people!
7 Pinterest Marketing Strategies for 2021
If you’re not already on Pinterest, it’s time to join in on the hype. Here are seven marketing strategies that you should be using on Pinterest!
Brainstorm For Keywords
Because Pinterest is essentially a search engine, people are going to type in keywords for the things that they’re searching for. At the same time, Pinterest also puts content for people based on the types of keywords and similar phrases that might capture their interest!
Make sure that the keywords that you think is related to you and the content that you post. At the same time, make sure that the keyword is similar to the title of your content! Staying consistent is crucial, and having a keyword that strays away from your content can heavily affect your advertising!
Check out if any other keywords are relevant to your post as well and add these to your description to broaden your reach!
Interact With Your Audience!
It’s called B2C marketing for a reason. If you don’t reply to your customers or post comments, there’s no point in trying to advertise your business on Pinterest in the first place! When you don’t respond to your audience, you lose a lot of potential customers and followers for the future.
Another important reason why you should engage with people on your pins is because of how pins work. Pin activity is basically how your post gets ranked based on the amount of activity on it. Comments and replies are two of the most crucial factors that affect that!
Engaging with your community will also put you on the same level as your audience. It shows that you’re listening, and that increases brand loyalty!
Using Multiple Pins
A common mistake that we see a lot of brands doing is when they only use one pin for their post. Although that isn’t all that bad, it still makes you lose a lot of potential coverage if you take a swing and a miss on your keywords.
If you don’t want your pin to be buried in the traffic, try making more than just one pin per article! Just change the background or text a but, and you’re done.
Statistic Matter
If you have ads on Pinterest, make sure that you take an eye on the numbers that show up in the statistics. The statistics will show you what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong!
Try to make weekly or monthly reports on the progress of the ads and take action as you see fit.
Quality Over Quantity
Pinterest is a visual platform. If you don’t invest in high-quality images, that’s going to affect your click-through rate. Every pin is a representation of your brand, so make sure that it’s always high-quality! Pointing out great pins on Pinterest is how you will drive traffic to your website!
Fresh & Creative Content
Fresh and creative content are what you need when you want to catch the attention of people scrolling by. If your content is dull, repetitive, and has no personality, people are generally going to scroll past it.
It may seem challenging, but as you get used to creating more and more content, the ideas just naturally come!
Linking Your Website & Social Media
At the start of making your account, you should’ve already linked oy claimed your website and other social media profiles to your Pinterest profile. This way, getting information on your pins, audience demographic, and other statistics becomes easier!
This also allows your audience on Pinterest to be informed that you have other platforms that they can follow you on. This connects all of your accounts up in one place where your audience can see it!
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