If you haven’t already known yet, Hamilton has been up on Disney + for quite a while now. Being available for you to view in the comfort of your own home in HD!


With that comes the opportunity to experience this cultural phenomenon that has everyone entranced. Packed in this legendary stage production are details that even the most avid Hamil Fans would’ve missed!


Amazing Details in Hamilton that You Probably Missed


There’s no need to worry—we’re here today to show you five incredible details in Hamilton that you probably missed!


Groff’s Tightrope Walk on the song “You’ll Be Back!”


There’s no doubt that Jonathan Groff’s performance on King George’s break up song “You’ll be back” is an incredible comic moment that lots of fans will remember fondly. 


However, what you probably didn’t know the origin of was his very particular walk when he first arrives on stage! This can be attributed to the heavy crown and heels he had to wear during his performance.


You’ll Be Back’s Contrast With The Rest of the Musical!


The cheery musical style in the song was a clever nod to the Beatles and the British invasion that happened in the 60s. The widely different tone can also be interpreted as King George intruding on the events of the musical!


The Brilliance of Hamilton’s Editing


Compared to seeing the show on Broadway, seeing the Hamilton film on Disney + delivers a whole different tone and experience for the viewer! 


With each selective shot, close-up, and camera pan, the directors can control what they want the viewers to see and focus on!


Charming Continuity Errors


If you didn’t know, the Hamilton film was edited from footage from two live performances. This is how they got camera shots of the juicy close-ups that you see in the musical!


An example of this is the flowers that you can see on Angelica’s dress on “Satisfied.” There are moments where they pop in and out of existence—these tiny errors show the human aspect of the production of this movie!


The Musical’s Speed


Compared to a lot of other Broadway musicals, Hamilton packs in an incredible number of words in the span of its two and a half-hour story!


Having an average of 144 words per minute and the fastest songs clocking in at 200 words per minute!


We hope you enjoyed all these bits! 


To watch these Amazing Details in Hamilton that You Probably Missed check out this video below!


Author: Ginutis