The show must go on, at least for these actors. There’s a reason why certain movie scenes looked so natural – it’s because they are!


Here are 10 actor injuries that you actually see in the movies. These accidents are purposely left in the film for everyone to see.


The top 10 is Jake Gyllenhaal in the Nightcrawler. In his feat of frustration when he missed an important news story, he took that anger out on his bathroom mirror. The scene is so intense that he accidentally broke the mirror and sliced his thumb in the process. He needed 40 stitches for that accident.0


Top 9 is Diane Kruger’s choking scene in the Inglourious Basterds. This is another scene that looked so real – and that’s because it is. You might think her acting is so on point, but she’s actually already having a hard time breathing.


Occupying our Top 8 is Michael J Fox’s “hanging” performance in Back to the Future Part III.  Fox had stunt doubles, but for this particular scene, he wanted to do it by himself. He mishandled the noose and ended up genuinely hanging himself in the process. At the onset, you’d think he’s giving the performance of a lifetime, but in reality, he really is struggling to breathe.


The top 7 is Channing Tatum in Foxcatcher. In this scene, you can see him banging his head in the mirror. Blood is dripping out of his forehead, but Tatum continued with the location, giving it the authenticity it deserves.


Our Top 6 is Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV. It might be the funniest in the Rocky franchise, but it’s the one that landed Stallone in the ICU. In the final fight scene between Rocky and Ivan Drago, Stallone asked the actor playing Drago to punch him for real.


He got what he asked for, and he ended up in the ICU because his heart slammed against his breastbone. Too much authenticity for this one?


We’re down to our top 5. Jackie Chan’s performance in the Police Story where he jumped into a metal pole and slid down through a series of lights. The stunt looked so realistic, then Chan realized that the skin on his palms had been peeled off.


For our Top 4, we have Leonardo DiCaprio in his performance in Django Unchained. In this scene, DiCaprio can be seen slamming the table out of anger. He hit a glass and cut his skin. DiCaprio continued the scene with blood in his hands – literally!


Our Top 3, Viggo Mortensen’s performance in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. He had to kick a helmet on the ground. In his fifth take, Viggo broke two of his toes. So the scream you see in that scene is nothing short of real!


Number 2 is Steve Carell’s performance in the 40-year-old Virgin. Remember the scene when he got his chest hair waxed? Well, that was not some acting – it was real! Too natural that you can’t wrap your head around how funny that scene was! Even his friend’s drama came in so naturally. I mean, who would not be?


And for our top pick, Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible Fallout. You might think that Tom Cruise is already replaced with a stunt double in this scene, but your eyes are not tricking you because it is Tom Cruise that actually did this stunt.


If you look at the clip closely, you’ll see how Cruise hurt his right ankle as he jumped through the building. Uh Oh, that is such a painful scene to watch. But Tom Cruise, being the professional actor he is, pulled himself up the building and continued the scene.


Well, he might not have wanted to hurt that ankle for nothing, right? This stunt is an expensive one, though, because it cost 80 million dollars to repair that broken ankle!


What can you say about these scenes? Let us know in the comment section below!


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Author: Carol