First impressions matter, and if you’re going to watch a horror movie centered around zombies, you best believe that having a spine-chilling transformation for your ghouls is a strict requirement. Get ready to be disturbed and intrigued by four of the most horrifying zombie or zombie-like transformations you’ll ever see on the big screen!

World War Z—Ground Zero

World War Z may not be true to the book, but it’s still an incredible film in its own right, filled with memorable scenes that will keep you up at night. One of those scenes happens right at the start of the film as people around our main protagonist start to convulse erratically and begin transforming into bloodthirsty zombies.

The grotesque contortion of the zombies’ bodies, along with the masterful use of a shaky camera, puts you straight into the perspective of our hero as he navigates through the traffic to escape the impending doom.

#Alive—Lee Sang-Chul

Have you ever thought about what would happen if a zombie apocalypse were to break out in the middle of the age of social media? #Alive is a Korean horror flick that explores this concept incredibly well.

During a streaming session, Oh Joon-Woo discovers that a zombie apocalypse is happening outside his apartment. Curiosity gets the better of him as he opens the door, and a bitten neighbor rushes inside his home and asks to use his bathroom. Eventually, Sang-Chul starts bleeding from his eyes, contorting, and pounces at Joon-Woo.

Train to Busan—The First Victim

Train to Busan is a cinematic masterpiece and worldwide phenomenon that got everyone back into watching zombie films. The restrained setting of the movie being inside of a train, creates a ton of tension between survivors and brings a sense of urgency to the table as they look for ways to reach a survivor camp without ravaging by zombies.

The first zombie comes in the form of a stowaway having convulsions on the ground discovered by a train attendant. As the attendant asks for help, we see a horrifying shot as the passenger slowly stands and contorts with a zombified look.

28 Weeks Later—The Kiss of Death

Don’s transformation is probably one of the saddest and most horrifying ones in the entirety of 28 Weeks Later. Don gets infected seconds after kissing his asymptomatic wife before brutally attacking her.

Don’s new look as an infected looks horrifying as he spews out blood and violently attacks everything around him.

Which zombie transformation kept you awake at night? Let us know in the comments below!

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Author: Carol